Collagen P.I.N.

Collagen P.I.N.® to Reduce Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Acne Scars

You may have heard of something called “microneedling”. Well, the Collagen P.I.N.® is the most advanced medical-grade automated micro-needling device on the market. It’s a favorite for all of us here at The RETREAT because it regenerates new skin for all skin types! During this procedure, tiny needles are used to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin in order to produce collagen and elastin. The skin’s repair process results in new plumped, fresh skin with softer wrinkles. A package of three treatments is what we suggest for our clients in our “Almost Heaven” Tristate area, you can reverse years of sun damage, smooth acne scars and wipe out wrinkles with just a day of downtime after each one.  

At The RETREAT, located in Huntington, West Virginia, we are dedicated to offering the latest advances in aesthetic medicine to help our patients look their very best.

  • The Collagen P.I.N.® is adjustable! One of the best things about the P.I.N. is that the depth is adjustable so it can be used on the entire face regardless of skin thickness. It’s uniquely effective in the delicate area around the eyes (the periorbital region) and around the mouth (the perioral region). These areas often display the first signs of aging and can be the most challenging to treat. This process of introducing a controlled wound into the skin triggering a release of natural growth factors, new collagen & elastin causes much less damage to the epidermis than dermal rolling and other ablative treatments. You can expect quicker healing, higher success rates and longer lasting results with Collagen P.I.N.® Also, let’s not forget that automated micro-needling also allow topical serums and creams to be absorbed more effectively into the skin allowing your skin care products to be even more effective.

  • A sterile needle-tip containing 12 to 36(optional) tiny micro-needles is attached to the Collagen P.I.N.® A thin layer of topical serum will be applied to your skin and the appropriate treatment depth based on your unique needs will be selected. Next, in a single motion, the Collagen P.I.N.® will be gently glided across the skin in one direction until the entire treatment area has been covered. This results in thousands of microscopic channels throughout the entire treatment area.

  • Collagen P.I.N.® breaks up pigment mechanically and remodels the collagen without heat or the light. When the heat is removed from the process, it makes for a much safer, more comfortable and more consistent treatment. No heat also equals less downtime!

  • Most Collagen P.I.N.® patients have a healthy pink glow immediately after the procedure, which lessens dramatically within 24 hours or less. Most patients are back to work the same day and out to dinner the same evening and experience little to no downtime.

  • Face
    Stretch Marks & much more

Book a consultation with one of our cosmetic specialists to see if Collagen PIN is right for you.


See it in action.