
Say goodbye to your double chin.

  • We create a comprehensive treatment plan during your consultation. Based on that plan, we mark precise injection sites in a grid-like pattern on your neck. Multiple injections are needed at each treatment session, and the number varies depending on your needs. Most patients see the desired results after 2 to 4 treatments, which are scheduled at least a month apart, although this varies from patient to patient.

  • You can return to your daily activities, including work, immediately after the treatment. Swelling is common and some patients wear clothes such as turtleneck sweaters or scarves to camouflage the treatment area. Bruising, redness, discomfort, numbness, and a hardening in the area of the injections are the most typical side effects that patients experience.

  • KYBELLA® destroys fat cells, so results can be long lasting. However, excessive weight gain can compromise the outcome because fat cells that remain in your body can still enlarge. It’s wise to maintain a healthy lifestyle so your results last indefinitely.

  • Before injecting KYBELLA®, we typically numb the area with a topical anesthetic to help you remain comfortable during the treatment. We also offer PRO-NOX, which is a patient-controlled inhaled analgesia (50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide) for aesthetic procedures. It takes effect in seconds, offering immediate relief of pain and anxiety. However, there may be some soreness after injections are complete.

  • Patient experiences vary after KYBELLA® injections. The process triggered by the treatment is gradual, and the final results of the treatment won’t appear until the series of injections from your treatment plan are complete. You need to wait at least a month in between treatment sessions. A maximum of 6 treatments can be performed, however most patients get the results they want in 2 to 4 treatments. Results usually appear within a few weeks of your final treatment.

For both women and men, getting rid of a double chin is one of the top cosmetic goals. That’s why our team at the RETREAT Vitality and Aesthetics Center located in Huntington, WV, is excited to offer KYBELLA® to our patients in the Tristate area of West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky.

KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that permanently destroys fat cells under the chin. One treatment consists of two to three sessions, each patient varies on how many treatments are needed for best results.

What is KYBELLA®?

KYBELLA® is made of deoxycholic acid which is a molecule that occurs naturally in the body to help break down and absorb dietary fat. It is clinically proven to reduce submental fat, which is the stubborn fat just below the chin. Double chins can be inherited, caused by aging or even weight gain. KYBELLA® injections create a more defined chin, jawline and a streamlined neck that most people consider appealing and youthful looking.

Once KYBELLA® is injected, it destroys fat cells in the treatment area and your body gradually absorbs those cells by naturally flushing them out through the metabolic process.

Before KYBELLA®, surgical liposuction was the only way to correct the fat that causes a double chin. Some patients who have more fat may still be better candidates for liposuction, but for those with moderate double chin fat, KYBELLA® represents an excellent nonsurgical alternative. Our team will help you decide which is the best treatment for your goals.

Book a consult with one of our cosmetic injectors by calling (304) 933-6370.